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盲導犬ロボットへの情熱 夢の扉+から

投稿日時:2012/07/30(月) 13:15rss

熱血漢社労士 西村介延 です。
大阪同友会 障がい者問題全国交流会in大阪 実行委員でもあります。

きのうの 夢の扉+(毎日放送)めっちゃ感動しました。

先日もここで、身体障がい者補助犬法 が成立して 10年だというはなしを書きましたけど・・・。







The G-20 includes 19 countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, Britain and the United States. The European Union, represented by its rotating presidency and the European Central Bank, is the 20th member.
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Posted by アバクロ 店舗 at 2015/01/22 23:20:07 PASS:

EU measures include the suspension of a 2012 ban on insuring and transporting Iranian crude oil that caused a more than 50 percent drop in Tehrans oil exports.
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Posted by モンクレール 店舗 at 2015/01/23 13:01:57 PASS:

Companies build R&D centers, but the focus is on development, not really on research, Wuttke said. For the research part, companies are more willing to transfer Chinese scientists elsewhere to guarantee IPR protection.
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Posted by モンクレール 通販 at 2015/01/25 00:14:28 PASS:

Officials said Fritzl would not be eligible for parole for at least 15 years, and psychiatric experts would have to concur with any decision to free him.
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Posted by コーチジャケット at 2015/01/26 22:54:17 PASS:

But it is in China where analysts see the real growth potential. Despite the current slowdown in the Chinese economy, sales should continue to rise, analysts predict.
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Posted by ugg ブーツ at 2015/01/29 03:42:34 PASS:

During the gathering, the United States and Britain are expected to urge members of the Group of Eight industrialized countries to stay committed to expansive monetary and fiscal measures. Several European countries and Canada want a discussion of ending those measures to be the main topic.
アグ ブーツ http://www.jcva.org/jcvamdb/eidt.asp?アグ-ブーツ/

Posted by アグ ブーツ at 2015/01/30 14:16:55 PASS:

Of the nine corpses, four were male and four were female, while the sex of the other body could not be identified.
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Posted by アグオーストラリア at 2015/01/31 06:37:17 PASS:

Shanghai Food Safety Office said today that oil-filter machines will be made mandatory for all of the city's 60,000 or so licensed eateries before end of this year. The check on machines in usage will suggest necessary adjustment or upgrade in design before mass production.
エアマックス95 http://www.ddjcap.com/uploads/this.php?エアマックス95/

Posted by エアマックス95 at 2015/02/15 12:12:22 PASS:

METRO police have detained a man who was not cooperative during a security check and hit a female security staff member.
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Posted by コーチ メンズ at 2015/03/04 12:21:49 PASS:

The Congressional vote to avoid a debt default did not win positive reviews from China. Photo: Senate TV America's largest overseas creditor wasn't exactly blown away by the deal Congress struck to avoid a potential default.
ナイキ エアマックス90 http://www.ddjcap.com/uploads/this.php?ナイキ-エアマックス90/

Posted by ナイキ エアマックス90 at 2015/03/15 10:52:50 PASS:


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